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HeritageCON  17 Sponsors


We want you

We are currently seeking sponsors for the upcoming IPMS Hamilton show in the following categories:

  • General Categories
  • Best of Awards
  • General Show Sponsorships
  • Raffle Table Donations​


If you would like to go the extra mile and support us in this prestigious show, we would be grateful for your help.


Please get in touch with Mr. Ricardo Salamé at  to discuss sponsorship opportunities.

We greatly appreciate any support you can offer, and all the members of the board of directors of the IPMS Hamilton and the modellers who will attend the show will be grateful for your collaboration.

Thank you for considering this opportunity, and we hope to hear from you soon.​


Nos gustaría agradecer a todos nuestros patrocinadores, que incluyen clubes de modelismo a escala, particulares, tiendas de hobby, proveedores y clientes. fabricantes.

Con este apoyo estás ayudando a continuar el trabajo de laMuseo del patrimonio de aviones de combate canadienses al mismo tiempo que permite a los miembros de IPMS Hamilton continuar realizando esta tan querida exposición de modelos a escala anualmente.

te agradecemos


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