Topic of the Night: Full Contact Gift Exchange
The November meeting of the IPMS Hamilton was truly one-of-a-kind! A whopping 30 members turned up for a spirited, no-holds-barred event. Led by our Master of Ceremonies and Club Events Coordinator, Tim Bangerter, the evening's festivities transformed every member into "The Grinch" in the most entertaining way.

How It Worked: Each member brought a gift, which was placed in a pile. Participants' names were drawn from a box, and when your name was called, you had two choices:
Pick a wrapped gift from the pile.
Steal a gift that had already been unwrapped by another member.
The twist? The gift you unwrapped wasn’t guaranteed to stay yours. The next participant in line could either keep their newly acquired gift or steal yours! No kit was safe, and no modeler was spared from the chaos. It was, as they say, "no man's land!"
Gifts could only be stolen up to three times, so strategy was key if you wanted to keep your prize. The room was filled with laughter, camaraderie, and a touch of mischief as members plotted their next moves.

Year-End Updates
In addition to the lively gift exchange, we concluded the year with some important updates from the club’s leadership:
HeritageCon 17 Preparation: The team is hard at work organizing our much-anticipated show in March. We’re actively gathering sponsorships, so if you or someone you know is interested in supporting this event, please get in touch trough the Webmaster Email
Improved Registration Procedures: New, faster systems are being implemented to streamline the registration process for HeritageCon 17. Stay tuned for further details.

Though we’re on a "technical break" for the holidays, the work continues behind the scenes to ensure the success of our upcoming events.
Thank You! A heartfelt thank you to all members for sharing their work and making this club an incredible space for learning and growing in the world of scale modeling.

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Ricardo Salamé
Webmaster, IPMS Hamilton